If anyone who lost their previous National Identification Card or Smart Card, so they can get the new one from Online (Soft Copy).The Online Service is only eligible for those people who newly applied or Fill Up the NID Registration Form and completed all the processes.The EC board gives permission to download the soft copy of the NID card for those people who have registered for Voter within 02 March 2020. If you want to download the NID Card Online Copy, so you have to follow the conditions that are included on the official website of the Bangladesh Election Commission. Few Conditions for NID Card Online Copy (PDF) Now it is time to share the method for you. They can easily able to download the National ID Card from here. This is good news for those people who have not got their National Identity Card or Smart Card Yet. According to the official news, BD NID Online Copy now available after the official declare (28 April 2020).