Any changes you feel might make it seem more like Bilbo himself were writing. Other than that, any general comments would be greatly appreciated. But I know how overused they are, so I would love your opinions. I also think they lend the Y a very elvish feel. Also, are there any letters from the alternative script that you like better than what I am using? And finally, the dots.should I use less, more, cut them altogether? I like them over the I and J, and the kereru font places them above the A. So my real questions for you are as follows: Do you prefer the pointed (example 1) or broad edge (example 2)? In the first example, do you like the taller lettering or the shorter? The taller looks very nice and in my opinion has more of an elf-like feel, but making the ascenders shorter makes it more practical for copying whole passages in 'book form'. This is what most of the original fonts I found use, and provides a thicker line that is fairly consistent in its thickness. The second example uses broad-edge pens, meaning the nib looks like this and the line thickness varies based on which direction you are moving the pen. I really like this, because I feel like it gives the writing more character. The first example is using a pointed flex pen, meaning with no pressure it writes totally thin, but the line becomes thicker the more pressure is used.

Aka the quaintness of a hobbit with a touch of the elegance of the elves. The general feel I would like to achieve is essentially Bilbo. Here is what I think I am settling on, and here is the same script using a different type of pen as well as another similar script I came across. I also borrowed letters and parts of letters from similar scripts I found on the internet, and the original Uncial script which Kereru is inspired by. The vast majority of this script is just the Kereru font by Daniel Reeve, aka the official script used by the hobbits in the movies. I ended up not so much designing a script as using pieces of existing scripts and cutting out what I didn't like. As I have started to teach myself calligraphy, I decided I would love to learn a script specifically for copying out Tokien's work.

Once I have done some more practice with it I can head over to r/calligraphy for CC on the technical aspects of the script, but I'd love to hear what you guys think about it so far in general.