If the videos were recorded from Teams meetings and saved in UH SharePoint, you follow this tutorial to restrict downloading.If the videos were recorded from Teams meetings and saved in UH OneDrive, you can block downloading in the video sharing setting directly.If you don’t want students to download the videos, you can use the following instructions which apply to other. You might want to upload the videos into your UH OneDrive and share these videos with students.

When you leave the University your OneDrive and its contents will be automatically deleted after a grace period (this period is currently under review).How to Block Download from Videos on OneDrive

If you need to collaborate with others you should use either SharePoint Online or Teams. You can also access your OneDrive via a web interface by logging on to Office 365 - Note, iSolutions does not recommend sharing content from your OneDrive to others except on a temporary basis. how to add OneDrive to your device and how to use it what happens to the contents in your OneDrive when you leave the University what you can do with Microsoft OneDrive To learn more about OneDrive and how to use it, read the information provided in the SharePoint page OneDrive - How do I. The OneDrive application is automatically installed on University PCs, to make full use of OneDrive you should install the application on all other devices you use for University related personal documents. By default only you can access your OneDrive files. You can store up to 5TB of files (with some limitations of filetype and size). OneDrive is a personal filestore for all staff and students of the University.